One of Kenya’s renowned comedians, Eric Omondi was yesterday arrested by the Department of Criminal Investigations in conjunction with the Kenya Film Classification Board compliance officers
The comedian allegedly violated the provisions of the films and stage plays Acts cap.222of the penal code by producing and distributing unauthorized films on his reality show that was in the limelight a few months ago. The reality show dubbed as “Wife Material” has been broadcasting on Eric Omondi’s official YouTube page steering several characters of young women between the ages of 18-35 as an entertainment show.
According to a statement by the film classification board, the show has been distributing unauthorized films contrary to the Act’s provisions that prohibit the exhibition or broadcast films without a certificate of approval from the regulator.
The Act states that;
No one shall exhibit any film at an exhibition to which the public is admitted or distribute such film unless he is registered as an exhibitor or distributor by the Board and issued with a certificate.
No film or class of film shall be distributed, exhibited, or broadcasted either publicly or privately, unless the Board had examined it and issued a certificate of approval in respect thereof.
It adds, “Any person who exhibits any film in contravention of the provisions of subsection (1) of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence.”
He is set to be arraigned in court for breaking the law. The board will take action through the provided legal means to limit the production of such similar content on any platform meant for public viewing.
His arrest will cut short the launch of the second season of the show set to launch a few days to come. Barely two months ago, KFCB boss Dr. Ezekiel Mutua also accused the comedian of promoting debauchery through the show and promoting devilish mentorship.
Dr. Mutua further states that the protection of children from harmful content remains as the core mandate of the Board and anyone producing content for public consumption especially artists must ensure that they comply with the provisions of the Films and Stage Plays Act Cap.222 of the Kenyan constitution.