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10 candidates shortlisted for the position of Data Commissioner

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has announced the shortlist for the candidates for the position of Data Commissioner. This is in compliance with the provision of section 6(2) of the Data Protection Act,2019.

The Commission had invited Kenyans to apply to the position of Data Commissioner, and from this, they received 206 applications. Following the conclusion of the shortlisting exercise, the commission has published names and interview schedules of the shortlisted candidates slotted or 7th July 2020 and is calling for the public to comment on any of the candidates. They include:

  1. John Walubengo Nyongesa, OCW
  2. Thomas Oganga Odhiambo
  3. Immaculate Kassait, MBS
  4. Prof David Gichoya
  5. Brian Gichana Omwenga
  6. Anthony Akelo Okulo
  7. Dr Kennedy Okong’o PhD
  8. Murshid Abdalla Mohamed
  9. Mercy Kiiru Wanjau
  10. Dr Mwalili Tobias Mbithi

The office of the Data protection commissioner was established by section 5 of the Data Protection Bill, 2019 which was signed into law on 8th November 2019. The Act provides for the establishment of the office of the data commissioner, a body which will be responsible for the protection of Kenyans’ personal data by both the public and private entities.

The law states that “The data Commissioner is obligated to implement the Act, establish and maintain a database of data controllers and data processors, exercising oversight on data processing operations and receiving and investigating any complaints by a person on infringement of rights under the Act.”

The Act gives effect to article 31 of the Kenyan Constitution, which guarantees every Kenyan the Right to Privacy.