Cyprian Nyakundi officially charged for alleged publication of false information

Cyprian Nyakundi has been officially charged for alleged publication of false information, contrary to section 23 of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act.

According to the charge sheet he posted on his Instagram account, Cyprian Nyakundi allegedly knew that the information he posted on his Twitter account about the KRA Commissioner General  James Mburu’s was false and was calculated to cause fear and panic among Kenyans. It also says that he maliciously elected to injure Mr Mburu’s reputation as a person.

The charge sheet further says that Nyakundi had on 23rd March 2020 at an unknown place within the Republic of Kenya posted on his Twitter account, “ KRA CG jetted back from the US and started having meetings before the 14 days quarantine. My question is, must these guys still fly out? What is more important?”


Cyprian had been arrested by police after receiving summons by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations. He then presented himself at the Nairobi Central police station, on 24th March 2020.

The provisions of setion 23 of the Cybercrimes Act list publication of false information an offence punishable by law, which on conviction, one is liable to a fine not exceeding five million shillings, or a term not exceeding ten years or both.

He has since been released on a Ksh 200,000 bond.