Justice Isaac Lenaola threatens to sue Dennis Itumbi for defamatory posts online

Supreme Court Judge Isaac Lenaola has threatened to sue State House Head of Digital Media Dennis Itumbi for allegedly defaming him online through his posts under the hashtag #WakoraNetwork and #EvilSociety.

In a letter addressed to him, he says the posts that were published on his personal Facebook and Twitter accounts were defaming of his character and personality and do not reflect a person of his standing in society.

Itumbi alleged that the Judge’s decision on the Presidential petition was not his own but one written by the opposition NASA lawyers and politicians. The Judge took offence with this, affirming that his standing in the courts and throughout his entire academic life is beyond reproach.

In the Presidential petition, Justice Lenaola was among four Judges who ruled to annul the Presidential Elections on account of the transmission of results failing to comply with the law.

Justice Isaac Lenaola wants Dennis Itumbi to remove all the posts and apologize. Once he apologizes, they can then discuss compensation. Failure for this, the Judge will institute legal proceedings against him for punitive damages, calculated using expected earnings until he retires from the bench, about twenty years from today.

Dennis has however vowed to defend himself in a court of law, affirming that what he wrote is true.