Digital Security & Internet and the Law Workshop in Nakuru

As part of BAKE’s contribution to increasing the knowledge of Bloggers and Social Media users on how to be safe online while creating content online, we will be hosting a training in Nakuru on Digital Security.

BAKE has partnered with Access Now to put together a training workshop on Saturday 5th August 2017 at American Corner, Kenya National Library Services, Nakuru.

The digital security training will be facilitated by Ephraim Kenyanito and Demas Kiprono.

Topics that will be covered

  1. Intro into how mobile and internet works- VPNs, Open Source etc
  2. Secure communications – Encrypt data, securing IMs, TOR, Private Browsing
  3. Protecting your online identity/ protecting your personal information online.
  4. Secure tools for online collaboration
  5. Cleaning up your online activity
  6. Managing personal information
  7. How to access the internet during a partial shutdown
  8. Tools to use circumvent shutdowns
  9. Importance of 2-factor authentication
  10. Protection and recovery of websites from attacks such as DDOS.
  11. Defamation
  12. Consumer law
  13. Privacy
  14. Criminal law process
  15. Communication laws
  16. Mobile protection

Interested in this training? Please register here.

Workshop details

What: Digital Security & Internet and the Law Workshop in Nakuru
When: Saturday, 5th August 2017
Where: American Corner, Kenya National Library Services, Nakuru
Time: 9.00am to 3.00pm
Free Entry