A Call to all Kenyans Online to Mark Internet Freedom Day #iFreeKe

Internet Freedom Day Kenya

January 18th is Internet Freedom Day, an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate our freedom of expression.

As a part of the campaign to mark the day, Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) is calling on all Kenyans Online to write about something they love on the Internet that they never want to see censored. Your contribution can be in the form of blog posts, tweets, Facebook updates and/or YouTube videos.

Join BAKE and other organizations around the world and take part in defending our free expression rights online.

Actions to take on 18th January Internet Freedom Day

  • Write on what free expression online means to you (Either in form of a Blog post, Tweet or Facebook update)
  • What’s something you love on the net that you’d never want to see censored? (Either in form of a Blog post, Tweet or Facebook update)
  • Share on your Social Media profiles what free expression online means to you and why it needs to be protected
  • Participate in a Social Media Blast on 18th January from 11am – 4pm using the Hashtag #iFreeKe
  • Sign the Declaration of Social Media Freedom in Kenya
  • Visit Kenya Monitor for more actions and information

For more information contact

Njeri Wangari
Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE)
T: office – 020-2014941, 0704 090471 |
e: njeri(at)bake.or.ke w: bake.co.ke | b: bloggers.or.ke

We encourage you to download the images below and use them.









